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100+ Google Docs Shortcuts for High Productivity

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Google Docs is a mighty cloud-based word-processing tool which can be used to create, edit and collaborate on documents. Learning keyboard Google Docs shortcuts is one of the best and most well-known ways to improve productivity. Learning best google docs shortcuts can save you a lot of time and effort.

This best google docs shortcuts blog post will share 100+ Google Docs Windows and Mac keyboard shortcuts to boost your productivity. These Google doc shortcuts cover various tasks such as writing, formatting, editing, etc. We have also included brief explanations for all shortcuts for better understanding.

Top Windows Google Docs Shortcuts

Here are the some of the most used Windows PC Google Docs shortcuts.

CopyCtrl + c⌘ + v
PasteCtrl + v⌘ + v
Paste without formattingCtrl + Shift + v⌘ + Shift + v
Bold textCtrl + b⌘ + b
UndoCtrl + z⌘ + z
RedoCtrl + y⌘ + y
FindCtrl + f⌘ + f
Bulleted listCtrl + Shift + L⌘ + Shift + L
Insert linkCtrl + k⌘ + k
Full screenCtrl + Shift + F⌘ + Shift + F
UnderlineCtrl + u⌘ + u
ItalicCtrl + i⌘ + i
StrikethroughAlt + Shift + 5Option + Shift + 5
HeadingCtrl + 1 (1-6)⌘ + 1 (1-6)
Find the word countCtrl + Shift + c⌘ + Shift + c
JustifyCtrl + Shift + j⌘ + Shift + j
Print a documentCtrl + p⌘ + p
UppercaseShift + F3Fn + Shift + F3
Table 1: Most used Windows PC Google Docs shortcuts

100+ Docs Shortcuts for PC and Mac

Here is the 100+ common Google Docs shortcuts for Windows PC and Apple Mac;

CopyCtrl + c⌘ + c
CutCtrl + x⌘ + x
PasteCtrl + v⌘ + v
Paste without formattingCtrl + Shift + v⌘ + Shift + V
UndoCtrl + z⌘ + z
RedoCtrl + Shift + z⌘ + Shift + Z
Insert or edit linkCtrl + k⌘ + k
Open linkAlt + EnterOptions + Enter
Save DocsCtrl + s⌘ + s
PrintCtrl + p⌘ + p
OpenCtrl + o⌘ + o
FindCtrl + f⌘ + f
Find and replaceCtrl + h⌘ + Shift + h
Hide the menusCtrl + Shift + f⌘ + Shift + f
Insert page breakCtrl + Enter⌘ + Enter
Switch to viewingCtrl + Alt + Shift + c⌘ + Option + Shift + c
Switch to suggestingCtrl + Alt + Shift + x⌘ + Option + Shift + x
Switch to editingCtrl + Alt + Shift + z⌘ + Option + Shift + z
Table 1: Common Google Docs shortcuts for Windows PC and Apple Mac

Text formatting PC & Mac Shortcuts 

BoldCtrl + B⌘ + B
ItalicCtrl + I⌘ + I
UnderlineCtrl + U⌘ + U
StrikethroughAlt + Shift + 5Option + Shift + 5
SuperscriptCtrl + .⌘ + .
SubscriptCtrl + ,⌘ + ,
Change fontCtrl + Shift + F⌘ + Shift + F
Change font sizeCtrl + Shift + >⌘ + Shift + >
Change text colorCtrl + Shift + C⌘ + Shift + C
LeftCtrl + Shift + L⌘ + Shift + L
CenterCtrl + Shift + E⌘ + Shift + E
RightCtrl + Shift + R⌘ + Shift + R
JustifyCtrl + Shift + J⌘ + Shift + J
Toggle numbered listCtrl + Shift + 7⌘ + Shift + 7
Toggle bulleted listCtrl + Shift + 8⌘ + Shift + 8
Copy formattingCtrl + Alt + C⌘ + Option + C
Paste formattingCtrl + Alt + V⌘ + Option + V
Table 2: Text formatting PC & Mac Shortcuts

Para formatting PC & Mac Shortcuts

Increase paragraph indentationCtrl + ]⌘ + ]
Decrease paragraph indentationCtrl + [⌘ + [
Apply normal text styleCtrl + Alt + 0⌘ + Alt + 0
Apply heading style 1Ctrl + Alt + 1⌘ + Alt + 1
Apply heading style 2Ctrl + Alt + 2⌘ + Alt + 2
Apply heading style 3Ctrl + Alt + 3⌘ + Alt + 3
Apply heading style 4Ctrl + Alt + 4⌘ + Alt + 4
Apply heading style 5Ctrl + Alt + 5⌘ + Alt + 5
Apply heading style 6Ctrl + Alt + 6⌘ + Alt + 6
Left align paragraphCtrl + Shift + l⌘ + Shift + l
Center align paragraphCtrl + Shift + e⌘ + Shift + e
Right align paragraphCtrl + Shift + r⌘ + Shift + r
Justify paragraphCtrl + Shift + j⌘ + Shift + j
Numbered listCtrl + Shift + 7⌘ + Shift + 7
Bulleted listCtrl + Shift + 8⌘ + Shift + 8
ChecklistCtrl + Shift + 9⌘ + Shift + 9
Increase font sizeCtrl + Shift + .⌘ + Shift + .
Decrease font sizeCtrl + Shift + ,⌘ + Shift + ,
Copy text formattingCtrl + Alt + c⌘ + Alt + c
Paste text formattingCtrl + Alt + v⌘ + Alt + v
Table 3: Paragraph formatting PC & Mac Google Docs Shortcuts

Images and drawings Docs Shortcuts

Insert Alt textCtrl + Alt + y⌘ + Option + y
Resize largerCtrl + Alt + k⌘ + Ctrl + k
Resize larger horizontallyCtrl + Alt + b⌘ + Ctrl + b
Resize larger verticallyCtrl + Alt + i⌘ + Ctrl + i
Resize smallerCtrl + Alt + j⌘ + Ctrl + j
Resize smaller horizontallyCtrl + Alt + w⌘ + Ctrl + w
Resize smaller verticallyCtrl + Alt + q⌘ + Ctrl + q
Close drawing editorShift + Esc⌘ + Esc or Shift + Esc
Table 4: Images and drawings Google Docs Shortcuts

Text selection Google Docs Shortcuts

Select allCtrl + a⌘ + a
Extend selection one characterShift + Left/right arrowShift + Left/right arrow
Extend selection one lineShift + Up/down arrowShift + Up/down arrow
Extend selection one wordCtrl + Shift + Left/right arrowShift + Fn + Left arrow
Beginning of the lineShift + HomeOption + Shift + Up/Down arrow
End of the lineShift + EndShift + Fn + Right arrow
Beginning of the documentCtrl + Shift + Home⌘ + Shift + Up arrow
End of the documentCtrl + Shift + End⌘ + Shift + Down arrow
Table 5: Text selection Google Docs Shortcuts

Document Navigation Docs shortcuts

Show outlineCtrl+Alt+A+HCtrl+⌘+A+H
Move to next headingCtrl+Alt+N+HCtrl+⌘+N+H
Move to previous headingCtrl+Alt+P+HCtrl+⌘+P+H
Move to next heading [1-6]Ctrl+Alt+N+[1-6]Ctrl+⌘+N+[1-6]
Move to previous heading [1-6]Ctrl+Alt+P+[1-6]Ctrl+⌘+P+[1-6]
Move to next graphicCtrl+Alt+N+GCtrl+⌘+N+G
Move to previous graphicCtrl+Alt+P+GCtrl+⌘+P+G
Move to next listCtrl+Alt+N+OCtrl+⌘+N+O
Move to previous listCtrl+Alt+P+OCtrl+⌘+P+O
Move to next formatting changeCtrl+Alt+N+WCtrl+⌘+N+W
Move to previous formatting changeCtrl+Alt+P+WCtrl+⌘+P+W
Move to next editCtrl+Alt+N+RCtrl+Alt+k
Move to previous editCtrl+Alt+P+RCtrl+Alt+j
Table 6: Document Navigation with Google Docs Keyboard shortcuts

Table navigation Docs Shortcuts

Move to the start of the tableCtrl+Alt+Shift+T+SCtrl+⌘+Shift+T+S
Move to the end of the tableCtrl+Alt+Shift+T+DCtrl+⌘+Shift+T+D
Move to the start of the table columnCtrl+Alt+Shift+T+ICtrl+⌘+Shift+T+I
Move to the end of the table columnCtrl+Alt+Shift+T+KCtrl+⌘+Shift+T+K
Move to the next table columnCtrl+Alt+Shift+T+BCtrl+⌘+Shift+T+B
Move to the previous table columnCtrl+Alt+Shift+T+VCtrl+⌘+Shift+T+V
Move to the start of the table rowCtrl+Alt+Shift+T+JCtrl+⌘+Shift+T+J
Move to the end of the table rowCtrl+Alt+Shift+T+LCtrl+⌘+Shift+T+L
Move to the next table rowCtrl+Alt+Shift+T+MCtrl+⌘+Shift+T+M
Move to the previous table rowCtrl+Alt+Shift+T+GCtrl+⌘+Shift+T+G
Exit tableCtrl+Alt+Shift+T+ECtrl+⌘+Shift+T+E
Move to the next tableCtrl+Alt+Shift+N+TCtrl+⌘+Shift+N+T
Move to the previous tableCtrl+Alt+Shift+P+TCtrl+⌘+Shift+P+T
Table 7: Table navigation with Google Docs Windows and Mac Keyboard shortcuts

Tips for Collaboration on Google Docs

One of the best things about Google Docs is its ability to share and collaborate on real-time projects. Here are the top 5 tips to get the most out of Google Docs;

Set Clear Goals: Before you start collaborating, ensure everyone collaborating on the project knows their role and responsibilities. This will avoid confusion down the road. 

Comments & Chats: Google Doc’s inbuilt chat and comments are a great and effective way to communicate with your collaborators without switching to other apps. 

Use Version History: Version history is the most talked about feature in Google Docs, allowing collaborators to track changes over time. This will help you avoid conflict between two different editors. 

Use Different Colors: In Google Docs, you can assign colors to collaborators. This can help you keep track of changes made in the document.

As discussed in our previous blog, Google Docs is an excellent alternative to Microsoft Word. Use Google doc shortcuts for easy, fast, and high productivity. Ensure you master each of these Google docs keyboard shortcuts for better productivity.